"The only source of knowledge is experience" ... Albert Einstein

Reseller Partner Options

In a market where it is essential to differentiate yourself from all the rest we have created a range of products to enable resellers to pick and mix the services that suit their market proposition .  They can use us for a complete wholesale solution or they can pick and choose from a shopping list .

Wholesale Partner or Margin Share  - We can provide products and services on a wholesale basis where we bill the reseller partner directly using an agreed rate card and price list and they then, in turn, bill their client adding their margin.   Alternatively we can bill the reseller's clients at their agreed rate and then split the margin between us at the pre-agreed proportions.

Wholesale Line Rental - Continuity Assured are an Openreach Communications Provider (CP).  We manage the transfer of WLR3 products on behalf or our resellers,  We can even liaise with their customer's existing provider, if necessary, making us a one stop shop for companies who want to manage their customers lines without going through the process and cost of becoming a CP themselves

Billing and Direct Debit collection  - Our reseller partners don't always want to invest in a bespoke, white labelled, billing system.  As such we have, with the support of our billing system developer,  created a fully white labeled billing option for our partners.  They can either collect the money themselves fro their chosen collection partner, or in most cases we collect their invoices on their behalf.

Virtual Carrier  - Using BiGro (our unique SIP routing platform) we have the capability to help a reseller become a virtual carrier by allowing them access to numerous carrier networks.  We enable our resellers to have the ability to deliver a 'least cost routing' solution (use cheapest carrier depending on call destinations) and multiple number porting options.  Our resellers are not limited to choosing one carrier for all their calls and are not restricted by lack of available porting agreements to port numbers away from other carriers

Bespoke Call Routing Plans  -  BiGro allows us to intercept the call and therefore we can create bespoke routing applications .  For example

     - Pre-Paid 'Calling Card' and/or PAYG Payment Applications
     - Specific 'granular' call barring
     - Bespoke number presentation
     - Inbound Call Routing Applications

Almost anything you can think of - Just ask.

Maintain Your Brand at all Times  - All the way through the journey we make sure our reseller partners maintain their brand by providing white labelled solutions wherever possible.


Earn More Margin

Grow Faster

Improve Retention

 Maintain Your Brand

You've worked hard to establish your name and reputation.  We want to enhance that as much as we can by making your proposition as unique as you are

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